Provision of Accredited Personnel Services
Tender ID: 575203
Tender Details
Tender Description
The Public Transport Authority (PTA) requires a substantial operational infrastructure for its maintenance activities. Therefore, to support the ongoing operational needs of PTA there is a requirement to provide both minor services and/or accredited personnel to support various works that are required within the rail corridor.
Scope of Services and Specifications
The Scope of Services required is to establish a panel of contractors who have the capability and capacity to provide available Accredited Personnel in various roles and competencies (safe working qualifications) in the categories outlined below, to work in an ad hoc capacity within PTA’s Rail Corridor within the following areas:
Category 1: Protection Personnel
Position Title: | Position Description: |
Protection Officer Level 1 | This level of Track Access Permit (TAP) shows the Worker has the understanding of hazards in the Rail Corridor and is Competent to provide Lookout Working for a Worksite. A Rail safety Brief to Work Outside the Danger Zone activities |
Protection Officer Level 2 | This level of TAP shows the Worker has the Competence to provide Protection to a Worksite by using an (Absolute Signal Block) ASB and receive a Worksite Access Form (WAF) from a PO3 |
Protection Officer Level 3 | This level of TAP shows the Worker has the Competence of a PO2 and the Competence to provide Protection to a Work Group by using a Track Occupancy Authority (TOA). The competence to manage rail traffic within the worksite. |
Possession Protection Officer | This level of TAP shows the Worker has the Competence of a PO3 and the Competence to manage multiple Worksites inside a Local Possession Authority (LPA). |
Person Responsible for Electrical Safety | Has the competency of a minimum Supervised Worker and ensures the work group complies with Rule 2017 Working Around Electrical Infrastructure for the activity being undertaken and keeps workers safe in the electrified area. |
Trenchless Excavation PTA approved Supervisor | Approved by the PTA to supervise any underground service installation works and certify the condition of the track is fit for traffic at completion. |
Work Group Supervisor | Manage the activities of an individual workgroup within a worksite and ensure that the workgroup stay within their designated worksite limits. |
Machine Controller | Delineate and maintain an exclusion zone around the working/operating Track Vehicle. Maintain a safe operating distance between Track Vehicles. Monitor rail movements and provide warnings to workers. Identify and warn operators of any possible infrastructure that may be struck or damaged. Maintain effective communication with Track Vehicle Operator/PO/Site Coordinator/Work Group Supervisor (WGS). |
Site Coordinator | Has the competency to conduct Rail Safety Briefing specific to the WGS Coordinate and confirm with each WGS the limits and scopes of their workgroups maintain effective communication with Track Vehicle Operator and PO/Machine Controller/WGS |
Safety Coordinator | Ability and competence to undertake worksite safety inspections in line with Safety Management Plans (SMP) and undertake specific safety roles |
Access Planner | Assists the Manager Rail Infrastructure Access in managing access to the Public Transport Authority’s (PTA) operating railway, in the reviewing, processing and approving applications to access the operating railway reserve by any party working on the urban network to ensure full compliance with PTA safety requirements. |
Category 2: Operational Personnel
Position Title: | Position Description: |
Engineering Surveyor | Carry out survey works both in and out of the Rail Corridor |
Licensed Surveyor | Carry out survey works both in and out of the Rail Corridor |
Surveyor Assistant | Assist the Surveyor working both in and out of the Rail Corridor |
Survey - Office/Data Processing Surveyor | Compiling survey reports |
General Labourer | General labourer operating within the Rail Corridor |
Plant Operator (SW) | Able to operate small plant and machinery |
Track Inspector (SW) | Examines, protects, repairs, maintains and reports on the safe and proper condition of the permanent way, Rail Corridor and structures over the Public Transport Authority Rail Network |
Track Inspector (PO3) | Examines, protects, repairs, maintains and reports on the safe and proper condition of the permanent way, Rail Corridor and structures over the Public Transport Authority Rail Network |
Road Rail Vehicle Operator (PO2) | Operates RRVs on the PTA network for the purpose of Track Inspections and Patrols |
Road Rail Vehicle Operator (PO3) | Operates RRVs on the PTA network for the purpose of Track Inspections and Patrols |
Train Driver for work trains (SW) | Operation of work trains and provides operational support to ensure the safe and efficient working of trains |
Overhead Linepersons (SW) | Responsible for performing effective construction, maintenance, urgent work on Overhead Line Equipment (OLE) Ensures a high level of safety for persons and reliability of assets and assists in organising maintenance work and supervising the team crew on shift as and when required |
Operator for OLE EWP RRV (PO2, RRV) | Carry out Safeworking duties Operating OLE EWP RRV Support and assist linespersons |
Delivery Driver RRV (IA) | Relocate PTA RRV's around the PTA Rail Network |
Authorised Person for OLE switching, testing and earthing | Apply or remove OLE portable earths Operate line side isolators Tests OLE Operate live line tools Perform PRES duties Assist maintenance teams during unplanned works |
Signals Technician (SW) | Carry out Signal maintenance, faulting, and minor renewals within the Rail Corridor |
Signals Technician (PO1) | Carry out Signal maintenance, faulting and minor renewals within the Rail Corridor |
Signals Technician (PO2) | Carry out Signal maintenance, faulting and minor renewals within the Rail Corridor |
Signals Technician (PO3) | Carry out Signal maintenance, faulting and minor renewals within the Rail Corridor |
Signals Maintainer (SW) | Carry out Safeworking duties to assist in carrying out the safe efficient and effective first line maintenance of signalling system infrastructure |
Signals Maintainer (PO1) | Carry out Safeworking duties to assist in carrying out the safe efficient and effective first line maintenance of signalling system infrastructure |
Signals Maintainer (PO2) | Carry out Safeworking duties to assist in carrying out the safe efficient and effective first line maintenance of signalling system infrastructure |
Signals Maintainer (PO3) | Carry out Safeworking duties to assist in carrying out the safe efficient and effective first line maintenance of signalling system infrastructure |
Signal Supervisor (SW) | Manage Signal maintenance, faulting and minor renewals within the Rail Corridor |
Points Fitter (SW) | Install, maintain and repair faults on Signal Points |
Points Fitter (PO1) | Install, maintain and repair faults on Signal Points |
Points Fitter (PO2) | Install, maintain and repair faults on Signal Points |
Plant Operator (SW) | Carry out plant operations to install assemblies in trackside Signalling infrastructure and locations including conduits and pits within the Rail Corridor |
Plant Operator (PO1) | Carry out plant operations to install assemblies in trackside Signalling infrastructure and locations including conduits and pits within the Rail Corridor |
Plant Operator (PO2) | Carry out plant operations to install assemblies in trackside Signalling infrastructure and locations including conduits and pits within the Rail Corridor |
Plant Operator (PO3) | Carry out plant operations to install assemblies in trackside Signalling infrastructure and locations including conduits and pits within the Rail Corridor |
Signals Labourer (SW) | Install assemblies in trackside Signalling infrastructure and locations including conduits and pits within the Rail Corridor |
Signal Electrician (SW) | Perform prewiring works and minor assemblies in trackside Signalling infrastructure and locations within the Rail Corridor |
Signal Electrician (PO1) | Perform prewiring works and minor assemblies in trackside Signalling infrastructure and locations within the Rail Corridor |
Signal Tester (SW) | Carry out testing of signalling equipment, location and Standalone Equipment Room (SER) such as bell testing, strap and function testing and through testing as per PTA code of practice |
Signal Test Assistant (SW) | Carry out test assistant role during signalling system testing and assist the signal tester |
Signal Test Assistant (PO1) | Carry out test assistant role during signalling system testing and assist the signal tester |
Panel Information
The Respondent may offer a combination of both internal resources and external resources (subcontractors or JV partners) at its discretion. There is no preference towards the Respondent offering Personnel covering a range of the identified Roles as all proposed Personnel nominated as key personnel for and by the Respondent will be evaluated individually based on their capacity, capability and experience.
It is important to note that the contractual arrangement formed between the successful Respondent(s) and PTA will be with the Respondent directly and not nominated personnel.
Where an Offer represents more than one commercial entity the submission must identify the single commercial entity which is making the Offer. Additionally, the Respondent must clearly show within its submission, the primary point of contact for the Contract and the party ultimately responsible for service delivery.
A panel of qualified contractors will be appointed, with a minimum for each category as
outlined below.
- Category One – Protection Officers Personnel Service – five panel members.
- Category Two – Accredited Personnel Service – six panel members.
The PTA will review the Panel framework and composition annually or at other times determined appropriate by PTA in order to assess whether additional Accredited Personnel are required to satisfy the service requirements of the PTA. The PTA reserves the right to add Contractors to the Panel at its discretion at any time during the term of the Panel, through a public tendering process.
The PTA reserves the right at its absolute discretion to source services outside this Panel Arrangement if so determined by the PTA.
Panel Utilisation:
This Panel is being established to assist and meet the multi-disciplinary Accredited Personnel needs of the Network and Infrastructure (N&I) Division. However, this Panel Contract does not preclude other PTA Divisions obtaining services under this Panel Arrangement.
Panel Structure:
It is expected that each of the Accredited Personnel Roles under this Panel will consist of sufficient members with suitable skills and experience are engaged to cover the requirements of each Accredited Personnel category. A Contractor may be engaged to cover multiple categories. Additional Personnel may be added to the Panel at the PTA’s discretion as required depending on availability of Accredited Personnel and estimated workload over the life of the Contract.
A Panel Contract Manager will be appointed who will be the PTA person ultimately responsible for the management of the Panel processes and other general Panel related matters. Public Transport Authority Contract Managers will be responsible for daily operational Panel usage / requirements. Panel members will be required to appoint a Contract Relationship Manager.
Term of the Panel:
The Panel will be in operation for an initial three (3) year term. Two (2) one (1) year options will be available under the panel that the PTA may at its discretion extend as such that the total aggregated duration of the Panel Arrangement does not exceed five (5) years.
Panel Contract Distribution of Work:
The Panel is designed to streamline engagement of Accredited Personnel, provide value and increased supply certainty to both the PTA and Panel Members.
Where more than one Contract is awarded for the Services, the work will be allocated between the Contractors based on:
- The priority (urgency of the task);
- The degree of difficulty (has the Contractor done similar tasks before);
- Is the task Railway Safety work (does the Contractor have personnel available for Railway Safeworking Supervision and Worksite Protection);
- Proximity (does the Contractor have available Personnel close by); and
- Cost (what is the Contractor’s Schedule of Rates for this type of work).