
Develop Road Design Training

Tender ID: 575297

Tender Details

Tender #:
Publish Date:
16 December 2024
Closing Date:
3 February 2025

Tender Description


Austroads is seeking responses from experienced service providers to develop training material that will support the delivery of high-quality, context-sensitive road designs as requested by Austroads members.


The project will involve:

  • Documenting current private-sector and member-delivered training offerings and identifying any gaps.
  • Collecting existing jurisdictional training materials and conducting a gap analysis.
  • Developing training materials aimed at guiding mid-career and experienced road design practitioners to advance beyond basic design, with a focus on brownfields contexts and challenging design situations.
  • Creating comprehensive training materials that include written content, on-demand pre-recorded elements, and practical tutorial sessions to supplement lectures.
  • Exploring development and delivery options for training content, including a cost-recovery model through licensing the materials, and the use of webinars and other media to support self-paced learning.
  • Establishing a sustainable maintenance and delivery model for the training material, for review by the Austroads Board.

These scope items were outlined in the Strategic Review of Road Design Guidance (SRD6370) as part of its proposed roadmap. This project will implement them, complementing the proposed road design knowledge exchange forum.

Note: This project will focus solely on the development of training materials and will not involve the actual delivery of training.


This project will produce the following deliverables:

  • Project plan.
  • Project progress report, maintained throughout the whole project lifecycle and updated monthly.
  • An internal report, maintained throughout the project lifecycle and updated as appropriate, to address the methodology and the milestone tasks. At each milestone tasks, the internal report will need to be reviewed by the Project Control Group and the Road Design Task Force (RDTF). The internal report should document the following:

-Road design training need.

-Existing road design training options in Australia and New Zealand and confirm the training gap, building on the findings of SRD6370.

-Desktop and literature review.

-Stakeholder engagement workshops with jurisdictions, workshop with the RDTF and jurisdictional representatives currently involved with road design training and delivery, engagement with industry bodies and private section currently delivering training.

-Options/solutions/recommendations for the development of training material and a sustainable model for ongoing training delivery, including video-based training content.

  • Road design training materials, first draft, second draft and final. Training materials must be built consistent with the Australian VET standards
  • Final internal report, documenting all project activity and recommending model for ongoing training delivery.

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