Parking Machines - Supply & Install
Tender ID: 575429
Tender Details
Tender Description
The Rural City of Wangaratta is seeking a suitability qualified supplier for the supply and install of new Parking Machines for its CBD area, the contract will include the associated parking management software/systems, to provide a totally managed and integrated parking offer for Council.
The contract must include the provision of hardware, firmware and software to operate the machines, as well as the associated service in maintaining and supporting the day-to-day operation of the machines.
The contract will also include the removal and disposal of the old Parking Machines.
Enquiries: All enquiries regarding this opportunity, including the Specification and contract terms and conditions are to be lodged via this tendering portal at least 48 hours prior to the nominated closing time. Questions lodged after this time will not be responded to.
Submissions: All responses must be lodged via this online e-Tendering Portal; submissions received via any other means (including hardcopy) will not be accepted, nor considered. Incomplete and late submissions will also not be considered.
Tenderers must allow sufficient time to upload and submit all documentation, as the e-Tendering system will automatically lock at the Closing Date and Time preventing partially submitted responses from being completed.
Please call 1800 836 337 if you have any trouble using this portal, including downloading or uploading submissions.