
Greenhouse Gas (GHG) and Air Emission Consultant Pool

Tender ID: 575888

Tender Details

Tender #:
Publish Date:
2 January 2025
Closing Date:
3 February 2025

Tender Description

NOPSEMA is seeking offers for experienced and suitably qualified Suppliers to establish a pool of Consultants to provide expert advice as part of an assessment team to support and inform decision-making on environment plans about the potential for climate change impacts on the Australian environment from GHG emissions and indirect air emission-related impacts on key features of the environment.

The service will be on an ad-hoc ‘as required’ basis and will require the Supplier to be available, in some cases on short notice, to provide NOPSEMA with expert assessment advice within statutory timeframes on EPs submitted in relation to offshore petroleum activities. The Supplier will be expected to be able to allocate 3 to 4 days per week during statutory assessment timeframes, with allowances for meetings and engagements outside of this.

There is no minimum amount of work guaranteed under the panel, and successful Suppliers will be required to declare any conflict of interest prior to receiving a request for service or work order.

Other Instructions:

Conditions for Participation:

Successful applicants will be required to enter a contract and sign a deed of confidentiality prior to commencing any work.

Any personnel of successful applicants who will be completing services on site at NOPSEMA premises will be required to undertake an onboarding processes. This process will include providing personal identification details to NOPSEMA.

Timeframe for Delivery:

The Contract will be for an initial period of 12-months, with the provision to extend for a further 3x 12-months

Address for Lodgement:

Offers should be lodged as set out in the Commonwealth General Conditions for RFO Lodgement through AusTender (

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