Request for Tender - Construction of an Animal Shelter
Tender ID: 576018
Tender Details
Tender Description
Tenders are invited from suitable contractors interested in the construction of a proposed fully functional animal shelter as per the detailed specifications outlined in the relevant tender documents.
This project involves delivering a facility that meets the Council’s standards and complies with the National Construction Code and associated Australian Standards.
Interested applicants are invited to lodge a tender for the contract to complete the required works.
The full tender package is available by contacting Council directly on or phone 02 6972 2266.
Tenders can be lodged as follows:
Electronically: Submit via email to with the subject line "Animal Shelter Tender Submission."
Hard Copy: Deliver sealed envelopes addressed to "RFT: Animal Shelter Construction" to Bland Shire Council Office.
Submissions must be received in full by Bland Shire Council before 5pm on January 18 2025