
Barge Based Canal and Waterbodies Maintenance

Tender ID: 576219

Tender Details

Tender #:
Publish Date:
11 January 2025
Closing Date:
6 February 2025

Tender Description

Tenders are invited for the provision of barge based canal and artificial waterbodies maintenance within Sunshine Coast Council region.

Sunshine Coast Council has a legislative responsibility to maintain and keep canals clean. Part of its responsibility includes ensuring safe navigable access as required under provisions of the Coastal Protection and Management Act 1995. This is partly achieved through a barge based maintenance program.

Due to the varying canal and waterway depth and width limitations the contract will be managed as two Separable Portions:

• Separable Portion A - Small barge and excavator 20 tonne weight capacity

Contractors with the capability to supply one, or all, of the required barge and excavator combinations to undertake the maintenance program are encouraged to tender. Council reserves the right to award one or more Separable Portions to one or more Respondents.

Barge works shall consist of, but not be limited to, the removal of vegetation within the canals, reprofiling of sand beaches, re-distribution of sand on canal profiles or within a canal, removal of rubbish and illegal structures, installation of scour protection, and any other requirements outlined within the technical specification.

This is a Schedule of Rates contract. The contract will be established for an initial period of three (3) years, with the option of a further 12 month extension. The contract is anticipated to commence early March 2025, with a specific works program being developed with the successful contractor/s 4 weeks prior to mobilisation.


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