
Design and Construction New Blue Lagoon Staircases Upper & Lower

Tender ID: 576363

Tender Details

Tender #:
Publish Date:
14 January 2025
Closing Date:
25 February 2025

Tender Description

Project / Background:

Work under the proposed Contract is to set out the requirements for the engagement of a Contractor to provide a Design and Construction New Blue Lagoon Staircases (Upper & Lower). The Contractor will be responsible to provide 2 x concept designs to CCC for review.

CCC will then review and provide approval to the preferred design. The Contractor will then need to provide a final design, engineering and associated documentation to carry out a Design and Construction package that is compliant to the relevant Building Standards / Codes or Legislative requirements associated with the construction.

Council is seeking to use this Request for Tender as a basis for entering into a Contract with the preferred Tenderer.


Mandatory Pre-Tender meeting will be held at the onsite the meeting point will be the carpark opposite 37 Bateau Bay Road, Shelly Beach commencing on site 10am Tuesday 28th January 2025.

Pre-registration is required by emailing the contact officer Cameron Thompson no later than 4pm Friday 17th January with the names and organisation of those attending.



New South Wales   :   Sydney  

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