
Main Building/Fencing Contractor for LSM Fencing & Gates at Turuturu School, Hawera

Tender ID: 577500

Tender Details

Tender #:
Turuturu School  
Publish Date:
29 January 2025
Closing Date:
28 February 2025

Tender Description

The Board of Trustees for Turuturu School, Hawera are seeking a suitably qualified Main Building/Fencing Contractor to carry out the LSM Fencing and Gates Project.

The Contract Works required are: Installation of new timber & aluminium fencing with small and large gates. All fencing and gates are to be at least 1.8m high. There are to be no foot holes or horizontal bars that facilitate climbing. Gates with have safety latches situated at approximately 1.6m from the ground or higher. Gates will have auto closing mechanism and please close the gates signage.

All tender documentation and necessary information included in this tender.

Contractors MUST visit site. Contact School Office to arrange a site visit.

Ideally dependent on MoE funding approval this work would start as soon as possible after confirmation provided, however this will be discussed with the successful contractor and school once funding approvals are confirmed.



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