Request for Quotation Wilmot Services
Tender ID: 577770
Tender Details
Tender Description
Kentish Council (Council) is a local government entity in Northwest Tasmania that is home to approximately 6,831 residents. Council operates under a resource sharing agreement with Latrobe Council to share the provision of services to their communities. Although each council is responsible for a separate local government area (LGA) and has their own elected members, the workforce effectively operates as a combined entity across those areas and are administered by a single General Manager. Management and staff are based in both Latrobe and Sheffield.
Purpose of the Request for Quotation
This contract is for the ongoing cleaning of public facilities, town bin emptying, Town mowing/maintenance and operation of the waste transfer station within the Wilmot area.
The contract is for a 12-month period from 10 March 2025 with an option to extend or an additional 12 month at the discretion of Council (one plus one).
Interested parties should satisfy themselves regarding the suitability of existing site conditions, including the nature of the ground, access to the site and details of the associated works required.
Background Information:
Wilmot Services include cleaning and opening and closing of public facilities, mowing, town bin emptying, operation of the Waste Transfer Station and monitoring Council’s by-laws at Wilmot.
The locations of the various sites that this RFQ applies to are shown on the maps.
Contact Officer
Enquiries for further information about this RFQ should be directed to the
Contact Officer:
Michael Mouat
Manager Operations
0439 960 263
The closing date and time for lodgement of a submission is: 25 February 2025 4:00pm
Submission must be lodged by email to with the subject heading: “Kentish Council Wilmot Services”
Submissions can also be submitted in hard copy, delivered to tender box at the Kentish Council office - 69 High St Sheffield Tasmania 7306.