
Provision of Stakeholder Management Survey Services - High Capacity Signalling

Tender ID: 577926

Tender Details

Tender #:
Publish Date:
4 February 2025
Closing Date:
5 March 2025

Tender Description

In July 2024, the Public Transport Authority (PTA) awarded an Alliance contract to undertake all investigation, survey, design, verification, approvals, supply, construction, deployment, integration, testing, commissioning, validation, acceptance, documentation, and training activities required to deliver an Automatic Train Control (ATC) system on the Perth metropolitan railway network, including all necessary temporary works (the High-Capacity Signalling (HCS) Project). The Alliance is comprised of Alstom Transport Australia Pty Ltd and DT Infrastructure Pty Ltd (the Non-Owner Participants (NOPs)) and the PTA (the Owner Participant). The implementation of the HCS Project will provide an integrated system solution that will deliver sophisticated high-performance in-cab signalling and train traffic management.

The Project will change how the PTA operates and maintains its network, and the careful management of its anticipated impacts on PTA teams and employees will be a major challenge to the successful integration of the new complex systems and the required transition to the new operating model.

The successful implementation of the Project relies on effective engagement with internal stakeholders to ensure clear communication of the upcoming changes and processes introduced by the Project. These changes will affect some departments within the PTA more significantly than others.

This scope of services required is to measure and monitor stakeholder satisfaction of the Projects engagement/communication of these changes/impacts.

Surveys of key stakeholders will be undertaken to ascertain:

  1. the effectiveness of communications and relations with key stakeholders required as a result of the Project;
  2. commitments made and honoured; and
  3. management of the impact of the project works on key stakeholders.

Key stakeholders include, but are not limited to:

  1. railcar driver reference group;
  2. network controller reference group;
  3. signal maintainer reference group;
  4. project management and engineering team;
  5. the change management team; and
  6. the Executive team

Scope of Services

The scope of the services being sought will include:

  1. Survey development; and
  2. Data collection and reporting.

For further details on the Consultancy Brief, refer to SCHEDULE 9 of PTA250016 - Consultancy Services (Book3) RFT Proposed Contract.

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