
Main Building Contractor for Blocks 1 & 2 Alterations & Refurbishment at Manunui School

Tender ID: 578021

Tender Details

Tender #:
Manunui School  
Publish Date:
5 February 2025
Closing Date:
7 March 2025

Tender Description

The Contract Works required are:

Block 1: Replace window in computer room, replace ceiling tiles in classroom 2, replacement of wall linings under window in computer breakout room, replace damaged wall linings and ceiling linings in Staffroom.

Block 2: Replace damaged wall linings in back room of building. In classroom 1 open up between classroom and resource area to create breakout space. Replace floor, ceiling and wall linings in breakout space, and update lighting. Install sliders between classroom and breakout space for flexible learning. If funds allow install new joinery to classroom to allow for outdoor learning and increase ventilation.

Contractors MUST visit site. Contact School Office to arrange a site visit.

Ideally dependent on MoE funding approval this work would start as soon as possible after confirmation provided, however this will be discussed with the successfull contractor and school once funding approvals are confirmed.



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