Compounded Non-Chemotherapy Preparations (RFI)
Tender ID: 578159
Tender Details
Tender Description
The purpose of this Request for Information (RFI) is for HealthShare Victoria to gain a comprehensive understanding of the current market landscape for compounded non-chemotherapy preparations.
This includes understanding available solutions, technologies and services to explore the offerings within this space and identify opportunities and challenges in the market.
This information will support informed decision-making, guide the strategy for the procurement activity, and ensure the finalised scope is fit for purpose.
Scope Inclusions:
- Compounded non-chemotherapy preparations
Scope Exclusions:
- Chemotherapy preparations
- Monoclonal antibody preparations
- Total parenteral nutrition preparations
- IV fluids
- Contrast media
- Radiopharmaceuticals
Important Notes:
- A formal market approach will be released at a later stage.
- Response to this RFI is optional. Suppliers not submitting a response will be able to submit a response to the future market approach.
- Any response to this RFI will be subject to HSV policies & procedures, including the ‘Request For Information FAQ’ document attached.
- Please ‘Favourite’ the relevant tender ‘HPVITS2025-192 Compounded Non-Chemotherapy’ to receive communication updates for this category.
- For guidance please see the 'HSV Procurement Portal' document attached.
Document Access:
- The RFI documents are only available via the HSV Website and via the procurement portal.
- Guidance on how to log in to the HSV website is provided in the Specification Documents under this RFI on (please see the 'HSV Procurement Portal' document attached).
- To register for a supplier account:
- For assistance with HSV website, please contact the HSV helpdesk at
Once the RFI has been released, please direct all correspondence through the HSV Procurement Portal.