Incident Response Management
Tender ID: 578299
Tender Details
Tender Description
Energy Safe is a body corporate established under the Energy Safe Victoria Act 2005 (Vic). Energy Safe’s objectives are specified primarily in the Electricity Safety Act 1998 (Vic), Gas Safety Act 1997 (Vic), Pipelines Act 2005 and associated regulations; collectively referred to as the Energy Safety Laws.
- ensuring the electrical safety of electrical generation, transmission and distribution systems, electrical installations and equipment
- controlling the electrical safety standards of electrical work carried out by electrical workers and gas work
- promoting awareness of energy efficiency of electrical equipment and gas installations, appliances and components
- ensuring the safety of the conveyance, sale, supply, measurement, control and use of gas
- maintaining public and industry awareness of gas safety requirements.
We are seeking "Expressions of Interest" from suitably experienced and equipped organisations to assist with the receipt, triage and dispatch of reported energy safety incidents. This will occur via a 24-hour, seven day a week Incident Response Contact Centre (IRCC).
The organisation seeks to gain a more detailed understanding of the supplier market and range of solutions that may be available. Hence, this EOI process may be the first stage of a multi‑stage procurement process.