
Civil Works Panel, Road Maintenance

Tender ID: 578413

Tender Details

Tender #:
Publish Date:
10 February 2025
Closing Date:
27 February 2025

Tender Description

Flinders Council is seeking suitably qualified and experienced civil works contractors, to undertake minor works including road maintenance and drainage, gravel re-sheeting, traffic control, roadside vegetation control, grading and rolling, road seal micro stabilisation, edge breaks /cracking and pot hole repairs.

A key part of the selection process will be Flinders Council’s understanding of the tenderers’ ‘in-house’ capability for this specialised work, and the ability to deliver outcomes as committed. The civil works contractor panel will be made up of any number of contractors that are approved through a tender process, and that meet the requirements of the tender, scope and specification. Details of the RFT can be found at or by contacting Oliver Ward at or 0487 548 049.

Please complete tender form and provide supporting certifications, and other information by 2pm 27/02/2025.


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