Cloncurry Industrial Estate Leases
Tender ID: 578847
Tender Details
Tender Description
Cloncurry Shire Council has secured funding to design, construct and lease industrial sheds in the Cloncurry Industrial Estate (Fred McKay Road, Cloncurry) on Lots 8a, 8b, and 9a.
Following considerable interest during the informal EOI stage, Council is now seeking tenders from parties interested in working through this process to secure commercial leases in the heart of the North West Minerals Province.
Council will cover the cost of the design and construction process (civils, materials, sheds). Successful tenderers will work with Council to finalise designs and enter into a commercial lease to operate the premises once shed construction is completed. The process will generally be as follows:
STEP 1 - Tender, tender review and tender award
# Council reviews and signs off on the best proposals and enters Step 2 with the successful tenderer. Council anticipates that it will sign off on up to three proposals.
STEP 2 - Agreement to Lease
# Council and successful tenderers finalise design/fit-out requirements. Council completes all civils, material supply and shed construction works. Premises ready for commercial operation.
STEP 3 - Commercial Lease
# Council and successful tenderer transition from Agreement to Lease to Commercial Lease to manage the commercial operation of the premises.
Tender Opens: 14 February 2025
Tender Closes: 5:00pm on Friday, 7 March 2025
Enquiries: all enquiries and requests for additional information to be submitted via online forum.