Napier Improvement Plan
Tender ID: 578873
Tender Details
Tender Description
The University of Adelaide, established in 1874, has over 25,000 students and 3,500 staff and researchers. The University has a strong reputation internationally as a leading research and teaching institution. For more information regarding the University please visit the website at:
Napier building contains students teaching spaces, lecture theatres, student spaces as well as office space for the Arts Faculty (ABLE). Much of the building is in average condition. Complaints have been received about the lack of amenity and general appearance of the building, not least the feeling that the building has not had significant investment in a long time.
An audit was carried out to establish areas where improvement could be made to improve the amenity, with the knowledge that undertaking extensive refurbishments / financial investments will not be amortised across the remain life of the building.
Some minor works have been carried out including cleaning, repainting / refresh in some areas including minor services upgrades.
A separate project is being undertaken to replace loose furniture in the student central teaching spaces.
This project will improve the appearance / presentation to these public spaces (student) spaces, and office areas by injecting refreshed floor finishes and reupholstered fixed seating in lobby areas including new student furniture in breakout areas.