Disability Housing Program 2025 EOI
Tender ID: 579005
Tender Details
Tender Description
The Trust is seeking responses (Offers) from Tier 1 or Tier 2 Community Housing Providers (CHPs) to co-design and potentially deliver, a fit for purpose and sustainable disability housing program (DHP) including management of disability housing accommodation and development of new supply.
This EOI is “Stage 1” of a three-stage process.
The EOI purpose is to identify CHPs with the capability, experience, and interest to participate in the DHP co-design process and subsequent stages of the process, to potentially deliver the desired outcomes.
Only those CHPs recommended in Stage 1 - EOI will be considered for Stage 2 – Co Design and Stage 3 - ITS.
Details regarding the three-stage process can be found in Section 1.1 of Part B.