
Dover WTP Stretch Target Removal Project

Tender ID: 579122

Tender Details

Tender #:
RFT J23274  
Publish Date:
19 February 2025
Closing Date:
14 March 2025

Tender Description

TasWater invites Tenders from suitably experienced and qualified parties for the Dover WTP Stretch Target Removal Project.

The proposed Scope of Works includes:

1. Supply, install and commission new Microfloc (or equivalent) Laminar Plate Tube Settlers to replace the existing flocculant settling tube packs, requiring:

  • Dismantling of steel enclosure, stairway, platform and obstructing support beams
  • Removal of PVC distribution pipes
  • Removal and discarding of existing tube packs
  • Installation of new tube packs
  • Re-assembly of steel enclosure, stairway, platform and obstructing support beams.

2.Supply, install and commission 5 off Prominent Chemical Dosing Pumps - for Soda Ash and Polymer - including associated mechanical / piping, electrical and SCADA works.

3. SCADA Integration of existing Alum digital dosing pumps.

4. Design and construct all electrical and control infrastructure, such as electrical control panels works for power feeds and additional I/O for dosing pumps, turbidity analyser and service water pump set, on an as required basis.

5. Supply, install and commissioning of new service water pumps and suction pipe from the two on-site reservoirs. Pumped service water will be used for chemical carrier water, as well as for site toilet and sink basin water supply.

6. Supply, install and commission a new Clarified Water Turbidity Analyser and controller including associated mechanical / piping, electrical and SCADA works.

Refer to the Scope of Work document for further information.

To note:

** The Non-mandatory Site Visit for this RFT is being held on Mon 24 Feb from 11.30-12.30. Refer to Part 1 - RFT AS4902 - Dover WTP Stretch Target Removal Project' for RSVP details.

** Please do not save files with long files names or symbols in the filename.

** No additional line items to be added to the Returnable Pricing File and no line items to be left without pricing inserted.


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