
Detailed Design Services Newman Drive Streetscape Upgrade

Tender ID: 579392

Tender Details

Tender #:
RFQ 07 202425  
Publish Date:
22 February 2025
Closing Date:
25 March 2025

Tender Description

The Principal invites Offers from suitably qualified and experienced Consultants for the de-tailed design of the Newman Drive streetscape upgrade and beautification project. Newman Drive, between the intersection with Kalgan Drive/Iron Ore Parade and the intersection with Lee Lane, can be considered as the main street in Newman, providing access to and from the Newman central business district (CBD).

The extent of the work under this Request extends to just past the intersection of Newman Drive and the intersection with Hilditch Avenue. The current road configuration consists of an asphalted carriage way with one lane in each direction and a line marked centre traffic island along most of the road. The carriageway and road reserve are of sufficient widths to be upgraded by enhancing its configuration and associated streetscape features, including formalised raised centre medians with suitable hard and soft landscaping (potentially including irrigation depending on the design/species proposed), verge garden beds, banner poles, LED street lighting, signage/way finding, etc. The carriageway will not be widened and, due to the restricted road width, on-road cycle lanes cannot be accommodated. The design shall take future growth into account.

The Consultant shall compile detailed design drawings, specifications and scope of works to be included in the tender documents for the construction phase of the project. The Consultant shall be responsible for, and must allow in their price, addressing any potential re-quests for information (RFI) from prospective Tenderers during the construction phase tender period.


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