
EOI - Sport Registration System

Tender ID: 580741

Tender Details

Tender #:
Publish Date:
12 March 2025
Closing Date:
24 March 2025

Tender Description

Scope of Services

The ASC is seeking to identify Suppliers with the interest and ability to provide a suitable Sport Registration System to ASC-funded National Sports Organisations (NSOs) and National Sports Organisations of a Disability (NSODs) at no charge. The primary objective is to allow the ASC ‘Play Well’ funded NSO/Ds to record their national participation data in an established registration system which has been evaluated as suitable by the ASC.

The ASC intends to assess the ability of Suppliers to deliver a suitable Sport Registration System at no charge that meets the System Requirements specified in this REOI, which includes having the ability to integrate with ASC’s digital identity system (‘Sport Connect’) and other ASC systems to allow NSO/Ds to capture defined details related to current and former participants.

The nature of this REOI is to allow the ASC to identify Suppliers that NSOs and NSODs may potentially directly engage. The ASC will not be acquiring products from any Supplier.

Suppliers are not required to, nor is it expected that successful Suppliers will, service all funded NSO/Ds. Many NSO/Ds already have an existing suitable registration system in place. The primary audience are NSO/Ds that do not currently have a suitable system or that are seeking an alternative provider.

The ASC will notify ASC-funded NSOs and NSODs of those Suppliers’ products that have been assessed by the ASC as suitable and available at no charge. The NSOs and NSODs will then have the opportunity to directly engage a Supplier through their own separate agreements.

It is important to note that more than one Supplier's product may be found suitable and available at no charge, and the ASC may choose to notify details of multiple products to the NSO and NSOD network. It will be at the discretion of each individual NSO/D as to whether to engage a Supplier and which Supplier they select to engage.

This initiative aims to streamline the data recording process for national participation, ensuring that all ASC-funded NSOs and NSODs have access to a reliable and suitable registration system. By doing so, the ASC seeks to enhance the overall efficiency and effectiveness of data management within the Australian sports sector.

Industry Briefing: A one hour industry briefing concerning the REOI will be held virtually (MS Teams) commencing at 12.30pm (AEDT) on Thursday 13 March 2025.

Contact: Nathan Johnson

Senior Advisor to EGM


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